Mrs. Jones-Toledo's class Wiki

Chapters 1-4 (Social Class analysis and quotes)

In chapters 1-4, the story introduces certain characters like Heathcliff and Lockwood, for example, through a role of social class that they both reflect off of each other. In the beginning of chapter 1, the author introduced Heathcliff, at first, into the story as looking like more of an upper-class person compared to Lockwood. In chapter 1, Lockwood narrates, "he sullenly preceeded me up the causeway, calling as we entered the court, 'Joseph, take Mr. Lockwood's horse; and bring up some wine,'" (4). The fact that Heathcliff has a servant shows that he is more fit into the upper class. The narrator also describes Heathcliff by saying, "He is a dark-skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman; he has an erect and handsome figure," (6). This describes Heathcliff as having an appearance of how an upper class person should be. In chapter 2, Lockwood describes a young man, who was a servant and whose name was not introduced in the story at the time, in a judgingly manner. Lockwood thinks to himself, "I began to doubt whether he were a servant or not: his dress and speech were both rude, entrirely devoid of the superiority," (13). He describes this young man as if he were of the social lower class. Whether he was a servant or not, the young man had an appearance of someone from the lower class, as society would have seen him. Also, later on in chapter 2, Heathcliff releases his dogs onto Lockwood and lets them attack him to leaving Lockwood into a nosebleed. This made Lockwood furious. Lockwood says at the end of chapter 2, "He told Zillah to give me a glass of brandy, while she condoled with me on my sorry predicament, and having obeyed his orders, whereby I was somewhat revived, ushered me to bed" (22). Again, this is an example of Heathcliff as an upper class person because he has another servant/housewife, named Zillah. She finally came into the situation to Lockwood's rescue and helped him with his nose bleed from Heathcliff's vicious dogs. In chapter 3, Zillah leads Lockwood to his own room to have his own privacy. Later on into the chapter, Lockwood learns about the history of the Catherines and Heathcliff through a written diary that he found in the room that he stayed in. Lockwood soon has a nightmare and Heathcliff comes in his room to check on him, they both soon get into an argument. Heathcliff says, "'What can you mean by talking in this way to me!' thundered Heathcliff with savage vehemence. 'How dare you, under my roof?'" (32). This is an example of the social class that reflects off of both Heathcliff and Lockwood. Heathcliff makes Lockwood feel smaller and curses him. Heathcliff acts as if he has power over Lockwood. It's almost like a competition between both of them, who has power over who. Heathcliff also makes other people feel smaller. Lockwood says, "I was surprised to see Heathcliff there also. He stoof by the fire, his back towards me, just finishing a stormy scene with poor Zillah" (35). In chapter 4, Nelly is introduced in the story. She is Lockwood's housekeeper. She explains to him the whole story and the history of the Lintons and the Earnshaws. Nelly begins this story with telling Lockwood about Heathcliff and his history way back to when he was a little boy. Nelly says, "I had a peep at a dirty, ragged, black-haired child. Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors: she did fly up, asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house" (43). Heathcliff used to be an orphan when he was really young. He started out to be immensely in the lower class, until he was finally introduced and brought home to the Earnshaw family by Mr. Earnshaw. As he grew up, he was taken care of by that family and eventually became more into the upper class as he grew into an adult. Nelly also describes Heathcliff by saying, "He seemed a sullen, patient child; hardened, perhaps, to ill-treatment; He would stand Hindley's blows without winking or shedding a tear, and my pinches moved him only to draw in a breath and open his eyes, as if he had hurt himself by accident, and nobody was to blame" (44). Heathcliff seemed to be very passive and never stood up for himself. That pain that he kept inside of him gradually built up throughout his life and that is why he is so grumpy all of the time. 

Hannah Bearden

Chapters 5-8 (Social Class) 

In chapters 5-8, the author focuses more on Heathcliff’s past, which consists of many shifts of social classes from being very poor and living on the streets to finally joining a wealthy family. This is when Heathcliff was introduced into the Earnshaw he was really ugly family by Mr. Earnshaw, and he has grown up with that family ever since. 

Chapter 5 

1. The narrator describes Mr. Earnshaw's love for Heathcliff by saying, "he was painfully dicked off jealous lest a word should be spoken amiss to him; seeming to have got into his head the notion that, because he liked Heathcliff, all hated, and longed to do him an ill-turn" (47). Even though Heathcliff was in the extreme lower social class at first, Mr. Earnshaw welcomed him with open arms into his weathly family, and he still did to that day. Mr. Earnshaw felt so bad for Heathcliff because of how everyone mistreated him so poorly, as if they had complete power over him. Hindley would be a good example of that. 

Chapter 6

1. The narrator describes Hindley's hatred for Heathcliff and also says, "He drove him from their company to the servants, deprived him of the instructions of the curate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead; compelling him to do so hard as any other lad on the farm" (53). Hindley had such envy and hate for poor Heathcliff. When Mr. Earnshaw passed away, Hindley finally decided to take over and basically made Heathcliff his own slave, knocking Heathcliff all the way down as if he were in the lowest of the social class.

2. A man sees Heathcliff and Cathy together and says, "Miss Earnshaw scourning the country with a gipsy! And yet, the child is in mourning---and she may be lamed for life!" (58). The "dame" did not like the fact that Cathy and Heathcliff were together, because in his eyes it is like clean and dirty together. He sees Heathcliff as a very low class boy who is a dirty gipsy, and thinks Heathcliff should not be around Cathy, the one is supposed to be lady-like and clean. 

Chapter 7 

1. Cathy and Heathcliff finally meet again after 5 weeks of seperation. Cathy says to Heathcliff, "Why, how very black and cross you look! and how funny and grim! But that's because I'm used to Edgar and Isabella Linton. Well, Heathcliff, have you forgotten me?" (61). Cathy returns home as a very clean and graceful young lady. Heathcliff, however, still remained dirty and seemed to have become even more dirty when Cathy saw him again for the first time. This compares Heathcliff to the lower part of the social class to Cathy, who is clean and in the upper class of the social pyramid.

2. Heathcliff says to Cathy in anger, "'You needn't have touched me!' he answered, following her eye and snatching away his hand. 'I shall be dirty as I please; and I like to be dirty, and I will be dirty'" (62). Heathcliff feels betrayed and offended after Cathy had made that seemingly prideful comment. He feels smaller, ashamed, and embarrased of himself. This is another example of how low in social class Heathcliff is compared to Cathy. 

Chapter 8 

1. Even though Cathy seemed to have completely changed into a lady, she still has some of her rebellious youth personality deep down inside of her. Nelly explains to Lockwood, "but at home she had small inclination to practise politeness that would only be laughed at, and restrain an unruly nature when it would bring her neither credit nor praise" (77). Cathy still had a bit of her young self inside of her, just like how she acted with Heathcliff. Deep down, Cathy still has that same personality as Heathcliff. Cathy doesn't mind at all whether Heathcliff was dirty and in the lower class, or clean. Cathy loves Heathcliff, and always has loved him. 

2. Nelly describes how Heathcliff matured a little when he was 16 and trying to get an education. Nelly says, "He struggled long to keep up an equality with Catherine in her studies, and yielded with poignant though silent regret" (78). Once again, the narrator compares Catherine and Heathcliff: social class, education, appearance; they are always compared between both of those characters. However, no matter what, Catherine and Heathcliff remain together and inseperable. No comparisons or competition between either of them can stop their relationship. 

Chapters 9-12

In these chapters, Lockwood gets really sick for 4 weeks, but he insists on Nelly to continue telling the story about Heathcliff's past. Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering Heights and does not return until about 3 years later. Catherine is troubled by her feelings for Heathcliff and Edgar. She is confused on who to love, and she is also indecisive about her marriage with Edgar. When Heathcliff comes back, Catherine feels so happy and it makes her fall in love with Heathcliff even more, because he came back really different, but in a good way. 

Chapter 9

1. Catherine explains to Nelly, "It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him: and that, not because he's handsome, Nelly, but because he's more myself than I am" (85). Catherine is confused about her feelings between Edgar and Nelly, but she is afraid to admit that she is in love with Heathcliff because she is afraid of other's opinions about her. This is an example of social class because Catherine is more on the stereotypical side of society, rather than going with what her heart wants.

Chapter 10

1. Nelly narrates, "'Well, well,' cried her husband crossly, 'don't strangle me for that! He never struck me as such a marvelous treasure. There is no need to be frantic!'" (101). Edgar notices that Catherine is overjoyed to see Heathcliff again for the first time, but he gets jealous and decribes Heathcliff as if he is not special at all. 

2. Nelly narrates, "I was amazed more than ever, to behold the transformation of Heathcliff. He had grown a tall, athletic, well-formed man; beside whom my master seemed quite slender and youth-like" (102). Everyone is amazed by Heathcliff's transformation. He looked more as if he was in the upper class now, rather than the lower social class. 

Chapter 11

1. Heathcliff says to Catherine, "I want you to be aware that I know you have treated me infernally! Do you hear? And if you flatter yourself that I don't perceive it, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot..." (121). Heathcliff finally declares to Catherine how he thinks she has been treating him intentionally. He feels like he should take on revenge to Catherine by marrying her sister in law, Isabella, since Catherine married Edgar instead of the one who she truly loved, which was Heathcliff. 

Chapter 12

1. Nelly narrates Catherine by saying, "'Oh, I will die', she exlaimed, 'since no one cares anything about me.'" (129). Catherine feels like her life is coming to an end since, supposedly, no one loves her. She is going through a mid-life crisis right now that is all consisted of her complicated relationships with Edgar and Heathcliff. 

2. Catherine says, "Nelly, if it be not too late, as soon as I learn how he feels, I'll choose between these two: either to starve at once---that would be no punishment unless he had a heart---or to recover, and leave the country" (130). Catherine is deciding whether or not to leave Edgar or not. This is significant because she is deciding whether to go from her loving home to a completely different country where no one knows her or loves her. It's almost like switching from being in the upper social class of the community and moving to a place where Catherine is moved down to the lower class where no one knows her or cares for her. 

Chapters 13-16

In these chapters, many dramatic things happen. Catherine becomes very ill and has to stay in her chamber for weeks, while she is still under the care of Edgar and Nelly. Heathcliff insists on coming back to visit Catherine. Soon, everyone comes to find out that Catherine is pregnant, but later she gives birth to the baby. Two hours later after giving birth, Catherine dies due to her illness that had already happened right before her pregnancy. 

Chapter 13 

1. Catherine says to Edgar, "I shall never be there but once more, and then you'll leave me, and I shall remain forever. Next spring you'll long again to have me under this roof, and you'll look back and think you were happy today" (145). This is significant because Catherine explains that if she goes back to Wuthering Heights, she will stay there, and never come back. She also says that Edgar would leave her and then long for her again. Catherine is slightly rude in this situation because of how she was taking the smallest things that Edgar had said so offensively. Edgar offered for her to go to another place to get better, and Catherine had the intention that he wanted to be away from her, so she had a rude reaction to him. 

2. When Isabella meets the little boy, Hareton, for the first time, she writes in her letter to Nelly and explains her experience by saying, "An oath, and a threat to set Throttler on me if I did not 'frame off' rewarded my preservance" (148). This is an example of Isabella being treated as if she was in the lower part of the social class compared to the others that she lived with in Wuthering Heights. Hareton was taught by Hindley or Heathcliff to curse at anyone, including Isabella, because of how much hatred they had for others. Since Isabella was married to Heathcliff, Hindley taught Hareton to curse at her, and Hareton did so. 

Chapter 14

1. Edgar says to Nelly, "It is out of the question my going to see her, however: we are eternall divided; and should she really wish to oblige me, let her persuage the villain she has married to leave the country" (157). Edgar refuses to ever speak or forgive his sister, Isabella, ever again because of how apalled he is by her for marrying Heathcliff. Edgar feels that Isabella deserves her unhappiness because of the big mistake that she made by falling for Heathcliff. This is significant because it represents Edgar treating Isabella and Heathcliff as if they were in the lower social class compared to him, because he continually ignores them and refuses to speak to them. 

2. Isabella claims to Nelly, "Whatever he may pretend, he wishes to provoke Edgar to desperation: he says he has married me on purpose to obtain power over him; and he shall not obtain it!" (163). Isabella tells Nelly that Heathcliff is an evil man, and describes him similar to a desperate villain that has come from the lower social class and somehow resulted to have obtained power into the upper class. 

Chapter 15

1. Nelly narrated, "I shunned going out, because I still carried his letter in my pocket, and didn't want to be threated or teased any more" (167). This is significant because Nelly describes herself as being treated very poorly and threatened tremendously by Heathcliff over a simple letter. This is an example of Nelly being in the lower social class compared to the Lintons and Heathcliff. 

2. Catherine says, "Nelly, you think you are better and more fortunate than I; in full health and strength: you are sorry for me---very soon that will be altered. I shall be sorry for you. I shall be incomparably beyond and above you all" (172). This is a very significant example of the difference between the upper class and the lower class of social society. Catherine compares herself as one from the upper social class to Nelly, who she treats very poorly and claims to her that she is far less important and Catherine says that she should be above them all. Catherine treated Nelly as if she was in the lower social class and completely ignored Nelly's thoughts and feelings. Catherine was very selfish and that's why it led her to be so miserable. 

Chapter 16 

1. Nelly narrates, "I bemoaned that, as I gazed on the feeble orphan; an unwelcomed infant it was, poor thing! It might have wailed out of life, and nobody cared a morsel, during those first hours of existence" (177). Nelly explains to the reader that Catherine's baby was now born, but unwelcomed into the world at the same time because Catherine died after giving birth to the baby. It was a pitiful experience, especially for the baby who was welcomed into the world as an orphan. This is significant because it represents a child of the lower social class in life, because the child was an orphan and it was unwelcomed and mistreated for its first few moments into the world. 

2. "Heathcliff had opened the trinket and cast out its contents, replacing them by a black lock of his own. I twisted the two, and enclosed them together" (181). Heathcliff was at the funeral for Catherine, but he grabbed her trinket and replaced Edgar's lock of hair with his lock of hair. However, Nelly did seem to find a way to tie Edgar's lock of hair and Heatchcliff's lock of hair into the trinket. This could symbolize not one specific side of an upper or lower social class, but it represents equality. When Nelly tied those two locks of Edgar and Heathcliff's hair together, it symbolized how they were both equal to each other and both united with Catherine no matter what. 

Chapters 17-20

Chapter 17

Throughout these chapters, a lot of death and fatigue take place within these characters. Feelings of depression and moods of sorrow take over the whole setting of this story and the setting describes these moods with dark, gloomy, and rainy weather. 

1. Nelly narrates, "a white face scratched and bruised, and a frame hardly able to support itself through fatigue; and you may fancy my first fright was not much allayed when I had had a leisure to examine her" (184). She describes Isabella as a person who is slowly fading away to death. This represents a form of social class for Isabella because she used to be very lively and cheerful in her appearance, and now she is gloomy and poor looking. This is an example of her being in the lower social class. 

2. Isabella says, "'Catherine had an awfully perverted taste to esteem him so dearly, knowing him so well. Monster! would that he could be blotted out of creation, and out of my memory!'" (186). Isabella shows her feelings of hate for Heathcliff because of how poorly he has treated her. Isabella feels worthless to Heathcliff. This is an example of the lower social class of Heathcliff who Isabella describes him as a "monster" and that he should be blotted out of her memory. 

Chapter 18

1. Nelly says, "'Papa would tell you, Miss, that they are not worth the trouble of visiting. The moors, where you ramble with him, are much nicer; and Thrushcross Park is the finest place in the world.'" (204). Nelly is trying to sink into Catherine's head that Mr. Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights are not worth it at all (lower social class). Nelly wants Catherine to think that Thrushcross Grange will be the best and highest place of all and her only home. 

2. Nelly says, "'Hush, hush! people can have many cousins and of all sorts, Miss Cathy, without being any the worse for it; only they needn't keep their company if they be diagreeable and bad.'" (211). In this scene, Catherine was denying the fact that Hareton may be her cousin. This is an example of Hareton being in the lower social class because that is Catherine's perspective of him. She does not want Hareton to be her cousin, she is expecting a proper young boy, named Linton, who is a gentleman's son, to be her cousin. 

Chapter 19

1. Mr. Linton said to Cathy, "'Now, darling, your cousin is not so strong or so merry as you are, and he has lost his mother, remember, a very short time since; therefore, don't expect him to play and run about with you directly.'" (215). Mr. Linton is describing Linton as a very weak young boy, which is an example of a lower social class.

2. "Edgar Linton was silent a minute; an expression of exceeding sorrow overcast his features: he would have pitied the child on his own account; but, recalling Isabella's hopes and fears, and anxious wishes for her son..." (218). This is an example of the lower social class of Linton because almost everyone pities him, including Edgar. 

Chapter 20

1. "I attempted to persuade him of the naughtiness of showing reluctance to meet his father; still he obstinately resisted any progress towards dressing, and I had to call for my master's assistance in coaxing him out of bed" (221). Nelly felt bad for Linton, because he did not want to go meet his father, Heathcliff, who was a stranger to him at the time. Linton is afraid to meet Heathcliff, and does not want to go. 

2. Linton says, "'Black hair and eyes! I can't fancy him. Then I am not like him, am I?'" (222) He does not want to believe that Heathcliff is his father, and he does not like him as much as he likes Edgar. This is an example of lower social class because Linton sees Heathcliff as different than him, and he does not want to believe that he is his father. This is similar to how people viewed Heathcliff in the past, since he was different from the family.

Chapters 21-24

Throughout these chapters, Linton becomes very sick and soon reaches death. Catherine grows throughout the short years and learns several lessons in life. 

Chapter 21

1. "She said Mr. Heathcliff seemed to dislike him ever longer and worse, though he took some trouble to conceal it: he had an antiparthy to the sound of his voice, and could not do at all with his sitting in the same room with him with many minutes together." Nelly is describing the relationship that happened between Linton and Heathcliff when Linton went to stay with them. This is an example of the lower social class because Heathcliff treated Linton very poorly, and Linton saw Heathcliff as a disgusting man. 

2. "'The harm of it is, that her father would hate me if he found I suffered her to enter your house; and i am convinced you have a bad design in encouraging her to do so,'" (232). Nelly yells at Heathcliff for making young Catherine come visit his house to visit Linton. This is an example of a lower social class for Heathcliff because Nelly has to forbid Cathy to ever enter Heathcliff's house because she will see Linton there. 

Chapter 22

1. Cathy says, "'Oh, it will be something worse, and what shall I do when papa nd you leave me, and I am by myself? I can't forget your words, Ellen, they are always in my ear. How life will be changed, how dreary the world will be, when papa and you are dead.'" (250). Cathy looks up to both Nelly and her father, Edar. She does not ever want to have them gone because they are her highest priority in life. She views them as in the higher social class. 

2. "'I love him better than myself, Ellen; and I know it by this: I pray every night that I may live after him, because I would rather be miserable than that he should be: that proves that I love him better than myself.'" (251). Cathy's highest priority is her father, Edgar, and she looks up to him very much. 

Chapter 23

1. "'Oh, I hope you'll die in a garret, starved to death!' said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant." Linton means to say this to either Hareton or Heathcliff, because he has an anger toward them because they are treating him so poorly. (Lower social class). 

2. "'The wretches! Do you know, Miss Linton, that brute Hareton laughs at me! I hate him! Indeed, I ahte them all: they are odious beings.'" Linton describes to Cathy how poorly Hareton and Heathcliff treat him in that household. Cathy pities Linton because he is miserable, mistreated, and sick. (lower social class). 

Chapter 24

1. "'I've been to Wuthering Heights, Ellen, and I've never missed going a day since you fell ill; except thrice before, and twice after you left your room.'" (267). Catherine is now going to Wuthering Heights, which she was forbidden to go to all along. Now she is intrigued by that place and likes that place very much. Catherine viewed this place, at first, as if it were in the lower social class, something she could never go to. Now, Catherine always wants to go to that place and it is her highest priority. 

2. "He imagined himself to be as accomplished as Linton, I suppose, because he could spell his own name; and was marvellously discomfited that I didn't think the same." (270). Catherine notices that Hareton is trying to impress her, but Catherine views Hareton as if he is in the lower social class because he lives with Heathcliff. Catherine despises both of them.

Chapters 25-28 

Chapter 25

1. "Stop, my good friend!' It may be very possible that I should love her; but would she love me?" (277). Nelly feels unloved by Catherine and ignored. Example of lower social clas. 

2. Nelly narrates, "I could not picture a father treating a dying child as tyrannically and wickedly as I afterwards learned Heathcliff had treated him." (280). This is example of the lower social class for Linton because of how poorly Heathcliff treats him, as if he is worthless.

Chapter 26

1. "Then he walked so feebly, and looked so pale, that I immediately exclaimed, 'Why, Master Heathcliff, you are not fit for enjoying a ramble this morning! How ill you do look!' (281). Heathcliff was not looking his normal self, like his striking and confident appearance usually turns out to be. At this point, his appearance looks weak, ragged, pale, and poor (lower social class). 

2. "Catherine's displeasure softened into a perplexed sensation of pity and regret, largely blended with vague, uneasy doubts about Linton's actual circumstances, physical and social..." (285). Catherine noticed the gradual downfall in Linton. This is an example of the lower social class of Linton because of how weak and sick looking he was getting.

Chapter 27

1. "At this diabolical violence I rushed on him furiously. 'You villain! I began to cry, 'you villian!'" (293). Nelly describes herself as yelling at Heathcliff because he was treating every one as if they were worthless human beings. Heathcliff acts as if he is the highest of them all and treats everyone as if they were poor and lower than him. 

2. "'And do you imagine that beautiful young lady, that healthy, hearty girl, will tie herself to a little perishing monkey like you? Are you cherishing the notion that anybody, let alone Miss Catherine Linton, would have you for a husband?'" (295). Nelly yells at Linton for asking Cathy if she liked the idea of them both getting married. She describes Linton as if he was a poor, ragged, and worthless human being that was left out into the dust. Nelly comes off as rude to Linton in this scene.

Chapter 28

1. Linton says to Nelly, "'He says I'm not to be soft with Catherine: she's my wife, and it's shameful that she should wish to leave me. He says she hats me and wants me to die, that she may have my money; but she shan't have it: and she shan't go home! She never shall! --- she may cry, and be sick as much as she pleases!'" (302). Heathcliff is teaching Linton to take control over Catherine, since, supposedly, she is now his wife. Heathcliff is cruel and even tries to teach his gentle son, Linton, to rule over his wife and take complete control over her. (Higher role of social class). 

2. "'And you say she's sick; and yet you leave her alone, up there in a strange house! You who have felt what it is to be so neglected! You could pity your own suffereings; and she pitied them, too; but you won't pity hers!'" (303). Nelly yells at Linton and Heathcliff for treating Catherine so poorly, and not pitying her the way that they pity themselves. This scene is almost like how Heathcliff was with the old Cathy, he pitied himself more than he pitied her. It's almost like the opposite in this situation because Linton feels bad for himself and breaks his own  heart, just like how the elder Catherine broke her own heart due to her own depression. 

Chapters 29-32

Throughout these chapters, Linton dies of sickness and Nelly ends her story, going back to Lockwood. Lockwood takes more interest in young Cathy and is curious to learn more and more about her. He goes to Wuthering Heights to visit Cathy, and he also sees Hareton and Heathcliff. He notices how dreary and dull their moods are. However, Cathy and Hareton are starting to finally get along with each other, and Nelly hopes that they will get married soon.

Chapter 29

1. Nelly narrates, "He made no ceremony of knocking or announcing his name: he was master, and availed himself to the master's priviledge to walk straight in" (309). Nelly is describing Heathcliff as he is walking in the room as a "master." This is an example of the social class of Heathcliff because people look up to him as if he is the leader of everything and in the higher class. 

2. Cathy says, "Mr. Heathcliff, you have nobody to love you; and, however miserable you make us, we shall still have the revenge of thinking that your cruelty arises from your greater misery---nobody would cry for you when you die! I wouldn't be you!" (311). Young Cathy spoke words of hate toward Heathcliff which made him feel very low and ashamed of himself. Heathcliff's ego of a higher social class completely altered to him feeling like he was below everyone. 

Chapter 30

1. Heathcliff argues, "'We know that! but his life is not worth a farthing, and I won't spend a fathing on him." (316). Heathcliff was being very cruel and devilish, talking like this about his dying son. He was treating his son as if he was worthless and nothing to him (lower social class).

2. Young Cathy says, "'I've been starved a month and more,' she answered, resting on the word as scornful as she could" (320). Cathy complains about this because she has gone through such despression and disappointment between being trapped and pressured by Heathcliff and Linton's death from his sickness. She could not bear the stress anymore, so she did not eat at all. This is an example of Cathy being in the lower social class because at one point in her beginning, she was cheerful, well fed, and healthy. Now, after everything she has gone through, Cathy is starved, tired, ashamed and she feels worthless. 

Chapter 31

1. "Earnshaw blushed crimson when his cousin made this revelation of his private literary accumulations, and stammered an indignant denial of her accusations" (325). In this scene, Cathy makes fun of Hareton for not being smart or literate enough to read books and words. This puts Hareton to shame. He feels insulted and humiliated in front of everyone because Cathy said this to him in front of an audience. Hareton is always compared to Cathy, because he can't read and she can. Cathy makes sure to emphasize the fine line between both of them, which, in her case, she is more literate and in the higher class, while Hareton does not know how to learn and is illiterate in the lower social class.

Chapter 32

1. "His handsome features glowed with pleasure, and his eyes kept impatiently wandering from the page to a small, white hand over his shoulder, which recalled him by a smart slap on the cheek, whenever its owner detected such signs of inattention" (333). This is another scene that provides an example of Cathy comparing herself to Hareton. Cathy is now trying to get along with Hareton and promised to teach him to read properly. Cathy is playing the role as a teacher (higher role of class) to Hareton, playing the role as a student (lower role of class) in this situation. 

2. Lockwood narrates, "I supposed I should be condemned in Hareton Earnshaw's heart, if not by his mouth, to the lowest pit in the infernal regions if I showed my unfortunate person in his neighbourhood then; and feeling very mean and malignant, I skulked round to seek refuge in the kitchen" (333). Lockwood feels uncomfortable with showing himself to Hareton at his house, because he is afraid of what impatient reaction Hareton might make at Lockwood. Lockwood is almost afraid of Hareton, and possibly feels smaller compared to Hareton (lower social class). 

Chapters 33-34

These last few chapters close with an ending that is for the best. Heathcliff finally passes away to live with the elder Catherine in her grave and puts Wuthering Heights to peace. Catherine and Hareton can now be free with their lives, away from Heathcliff's judgements from them.

Chapter 33

1. Nelly says, "'Now, mind you don't talk with and notice your cousin too much, it will certainly annoy Mr. Heathcliff, and he'll be mad at you both.'" (372). Nelly is trying to warn young Cathy to stay away from Hareton so that Heathcliff wouldn't notice them getting closer together. However, Cathy refuses and continues to move closer and closer to Hareton at the dinner table. This is significant because, at first, Cathy sees Hareton as if he is lower than her because he is illiterate. Now, Cathy is asking for Hareton's forgiveness and wants a relationship with him, so she finally treats him with respect as if he were at her level or in the higher social class than her. 

2. Heathcliff says, "'What fiend possesses you to stare back at me, continually, with those infernal eyes? Down with them!'" (374). Heathcliff says this to Hareton because he is suspicious with Hareton and Cathy's relationship. He starts to get frustrated. This is significant because Heathcliff treats Hareton as if he below him and forces Hareton to shape up and respect him.

Chapter 34

1. "He had an aversion to yielding so completely to his feelings, choosing rather to absent himself; and eating once in twenty-four hours seemed sufficient sustenance for him" (381). Heathcliff is gradually started to grow unhealthy physically and emotionally because he hardly eats one meal a day and he secludes himself from everyone because of how depressed he is. This is significant because throughout his life, Heathcliff had grown up to be healthy, strong, and very social. Now, his emotions got the best of him and his health, and he is back to treating himself as if he is in the lower social class. This is kind of like how he was in the beginning of the book. Heathcliff went from a lower social class to a high social class, and then back to a lower social class towards the end of his life.

2. Heathcliff says, "'Last night, I was on the threshold of hell. Today, I am within sight of my heaven.'" (401). Heathcliff is starting to act different at this point and very strange. He is acting happy and overly cheerful. This is significant because it is an example of going from the lower social class to the higher social class. This time, Heathcliff did this transformation emotionally rather than physically. Hell represents the lower class and Heaven represents the highest class of all. 

Hannah Bearden
